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Balloon Magic
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Item Details Related Items
21712 (M7-11-3)
A new twist on the classic Svengali deck! The Pop-Eyed Popper lets
you force and manipulate playing cards smoothly and easily, without
sleight of hand. Pop the chosen card right out of the middle of the
21222 (M1-12-4)
This beautiful Bicycle deck is perfect day or night! Card back and
faces are inspired by the yellow-orange glow of the sun.
21163 (R1-2-5)
A Bicycle stripper deck. Blue color. Red is available separately.
BK9529 (L9-2-1.2)
A perfect stocking stuffer. Uses simple language to teach EASY to
do tricks. None of the tricks require any special apparatus - use
coins, watches, cards, cigarettes, mind reading tricks, etc. Each
trick fully illustrated.
Recommended Items
The Gripper Coin is a special, handmade coin that has a space-age
silicone band embedded into the edge of the coin which prevents it
from slipping in just about any palming position you decide to use.
The coins jump from the magician's hand to his pocket. English penny
and half dollar. No sleight of hand needed.
21935 (F2-4-1)
Black magic wand with white tips. Beautiful display item - with
header card. 10 inches long.
21934 (R1-1-1)
Harry Potter Playing Cards are the perfect tribute to the Wizarding
21932 (M2-6-2)
A pocket effect you can carry around, and perform any place. The
Genie will be holding the same card the spectator selected.