All items are listed under the main heading. Some items which are
better suited for certain age ranges are listed again in that age
Category List
Balloon Magic
Canes & Candles Change Bags Cigarette Magic Classic Magic Close-Up Magic Comedy Magic Cups & Balls Dice Magic Dove Magic Egg Magic EZ Magic Coin Magic Fire & Smoke Magic Flower Magic General Magic Houdini Magic Levitation Magic Magic $1.25 and under Magic Apparatus Magic Coloring Books Magic Kits Magic Wands Mentalism Money Magic Paper Magic and Mouth Coils Pocket Magic Rabbit Magic Rope Magic Silk Magic Sleight of Hand Sponge Magic Stage Magic Supplies and Accessories Tables Thumb Tips Tumbler Magic Menu |
Item Details Related Items
21004 (M9-12-3)
A ball penetrates a clear transparent box that is sealed tight with
rubber bands!
10027 (M7-8-4)
The ball is placed in a box, covered, and then vanishes.
Recommended Items
22117 (M2-16-2)
The performer displays an empty bag. Reaching into the bag he
produces a large block 4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size, then
another block pops out of the bag, and another…a total of six
blocks in six different colors.
22115 (M5-9-2)
Produce large gift boxes (4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size), a total
of six gifts in six different colors - from an empty bag!
22064 (F7-1-3.4)
A coin production under impossible conditions! A coin appears inside
the clear case!
22063 (F5-2-2)
From a deck of blank cards, reveal a menacing Kabuki painting!
22062 (F5-1-4)
An instantaneous transformation! Make a train ticket appear in the
empty pocket, transform cash into a real credit card, or...whatever
you can imagine!