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Balloon Magic
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Item Details Related Items
21889 (M4-10-2)
A quick, simple but very effective magic trick - a large wand is
used to produce a bouquet of silk flowers!
21794 (M4-12-2)
Performer displays an empty Flower Pot. He taps it with his
Magic Wand, and instantly a large spray of flowers appears in the
21570 (M5-16-1)
Three colored Wreaths are placed in a bag, and three silks pushed
through the hole in the center of the bag. Magician tosses the three
colored Wreaths into the air, and they visibly and instantaneously
transform into a giant TRI-COLORED WREATH.
14362 (R7-1-4)
Production flower bouquet. 2 different colored bouquets in
each pair, one for each hand. 8 flowers in each bouquet.
Recommended Items
22134 (M1-11-3)
When the magician pulls up or down one of the pom-poms of one side
of the wand, the audience will see one of the pom-poms on the other
side will go up. The audience will go “crazy” trying to understand
how the pom-poms are “magically” connected.
22135 (M1-15-3)
Three different colored silks are pushed inside a small transparent
plexiglas tube. Incredibly the three silks fly out of the other side
magically tied together!
22120 (M4-17-1)
You make four predictions and they all are correct! No stooges
needed. This beautiful wood stand with a clear plastic frame holds
the predictions. Fantastic mentalism!
22119 (R10-3-3)
A large die changes from red - to yellow - to white - and then
transforms into eight puzzle cubes!
22117 (M2-16-2)
The performer displays an empty bag. Reaching into the bag he
produces a large block 4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size, then
another block pops out of the bag, and another…a total of six
blocks in six different colors.
22115 (M5-9-2)
Produce large gift boxes (4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size), a total
of six gifts in six different colors - from an empty bag!