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Gift Box Production (FT)
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Gift Box Production (FT)
Gift Box Production (FT)
Item #: 22115 (M5-9-2)
Unit: Each

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Produce large gift boxes (4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size), a total of six gifts in six different colors - from an empty bag!


The performer displays an empty bag. The audience can look right into this, and see it is completely empty..There is even a window on the front of the bag.

Reaching into the bag he produces a large gift box 4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size, then another gift pops out of the bag, and another … a total of six gifts in six different colors.


All the gift boxes appear solid, and can be displayed on all six sides. They are constructed to instantly pop up when have nothing to do – not even lift them up. And they retain their rigid shape, making for a very impressive production from an empty bag. They are superior quality and utilise springs and not rubberbands.


You get everything required, – the paper bag (gimmicked so you can show it empty inside), and the six special production gift boxes with instructions. 


Enjoy this video demonstration:

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of six gifts in six different colors - from an empty bag!