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Item Details Related Items
21397 (R2-3-6)
The card that is turned over in the deck matches the spectator's
choice! A classic. Improved coating. Blue backs.
21043 (M7-9-3)
Performer fans deck and spectator's mentally selected
card is the only card that's turned face down! No skill needed. Red
backs, Royal Magic bridge size.
18184 (M7-7-1)
The prediction is right and the card has a different colored back
from the rest of the deck. A classic variation of the Invisible
BK19124 (L4-3-4)
This booklet details 30 tricks to use with an invisible deck.
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Magician places a Kennedy half dollar and a Mexican centavo into
spectator's hand. Spectator hand and magician makes a pass over it.
When he opens his hand, spectator now holds only half dollar and a
quarter. The centavo has vanished!
Any named card is revealed - turned over - in the deck! Instructions
included. Bicycle Rider Poker Size. Red backs. (Sterling version.)
21965 (R4-3-3)
This soft cover, large size, illustrated book (22 pages) is the
third revised and enlarged edition of the book originally published
nearly three decades ago.
A deck of ESP cards - with symbols in five colors - is included.
21891 (M6-1-4)
This String of Flags is a colorful production item. Comprised of a
variety of flags strung along a ribbon or string, it's a great eye-
21853 (M2-1-1)
You start with 6 fifty dollar bills. You take away 3, you still have