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Item Details Related Items
22117 (M2-16-2)
The performer displays an empty bag. Reaching into the bag he
produces a large block 4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size, then
another block pops out of the bag, and another…a total of six
blocks in six different colors.
22115 (M5-9-2)
Produce large gift boxes (4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size), a total
of six gifts in six different colors - from an empty bag!
20276 (M4-11-4)
A beautiful box with two flowers appears from an empty bag. Put your
hand in the empty bag again, pull out another box. And then a third
box! Cool and easy to do! Bag is 7.25" x 9.75" x 3".
19166 (M4-11-2)
A stage version of this trick where boxes of flowers appear from a
bag. Bag is 10" x 8" x 4".
Recommended Items
22115 (M5-9-2)
Produce large gift boxes (4.5 inches x 4.5 inches in size), a total
of six gifts in six different colors - from an empty bag!
22023 (M1-3-2)
The magician clearly shows six cards and takes away three… but when
he counts the cards again, there are still six.
21871 (M5-12-2)
An empty bag produces six (6) colorful blocks! The performer
displays an empty bag. The audience can look right
into this, and see it is completely empty. Reaching inside, the
magician produces a solid block in glitter color, then 5 more!
21854 (M3-12-3)
RED silks with a diamond cut. 12" Diamond cut: opens to
8" x 16".
21840 (M5-4-3)
It seems impossible to remove the beads without the cords being
cut. But the magician does exactly that!