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Balloon Magic
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21672 (M7-14-4)
This pack of gum has a shocking surprise, for your best friends, and
soon-to-be-friends. Pack of 12 blister cards. Packaging may be
different than our photo.
21594 (M1-8-5)
Place these special cubes in a drink and see the shocking reaction
when they see the bug inside!
12 pieces, shipped loose, no packaging. Bugs may vary.
21414 (M7-14-3)
This car key fob gives a jolt! Attach a real key to make the prank
perfect. 2.75 inches long.
20357 (M7-14-3)
As far as shock value, it can’t be beat. Give an unsuspecting friend
a jolt when you shake their hand. A time-honored classic.
Each piece in blister card packaging.
18741 (R2-4-4)
This candy jar has a shocking surprise for your friends.